Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving in Helena - Wrap Up

As predicted, we were treated to a beautifully appointed Thanksgiving table.

The happy chef showing off his really decadent chocolate cranberry torte & pumpkin bars - wow.

Moose - looking innocent but ready to pounce on any morsels that might fall off the plates . . .

Squirrl - as big as me! But with a much sweeter disposition!

Me and Pat in front of the Montana State Capital.

Beneath the statue of Thomas Francis Meagher, the governor of the Montana Territory (and a really interesting guy).

The view from Pat's house - stunning as the light sweeps across the hillsides.

Nothing beats a Montana sunset.


  1. Joanne was right, Pat is a fantastic cook!!!

    I have been going through withdrawals, like a heroin addict! :) PK

  2. Oh yeah, he did a chocolate torte for us for the Thanksgiving dinner he served us. Yum! After those pictures, he may get even more company. he's a splendid host. And did you play Cranium? Peggy

  3. chocolate cranberry torte & pumpkin bars, wow, if that tastes like it looks, I'd be addicted the first bite. :-)
