Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Basement Door

After taking the winter off, we are back on to house projects.
Old basement parking lot and door.
Trash from demo of old door.
New door!
and parking lot.

Next on list is an arbor entryway into back yard, fence, root cellar, green house, planting garden and flowers. 

It is going to be a busy year!  :)


  1. WOW!!! The door and new driveway look great. I noticed the new planter by the stairs, too. Terrific. Your plans are exciting. I am SO glad you two are doing all the work, though. Not us. So will the Pig Party be moved to this new venue?

  2. Hi Peggy,

    Nope the basket ball hoop and pig tournament will stay in the front yard. Although, I have plans for some pretty competitive 4 square games back there this year!

    Won't have to worry about kill shots heading down to Safeway! :)

  3. Oh, and tell Ron that I really appreciate both your comments to our blog. Makes me feel I am not blogging out to an empty world. :)

  4. Well we love being able to keep up with you this way,and you write about things that interest us : what you are doing!. Of course, we know we're being espoiled by you. Thanks. Peggy

  5. That word is 'spoiled'. That's what I get for not previewing.

  6. That's a nice door. It's more secure and presentable. You did great widening your parking lot.
