Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Very Different Winter Vacation

Joanne agreed to go on a very different vacation with me this winter.

Defensive hand gun training.

So, we packed our gear, flew into Las Vegas, and drove an hour NW to the Frontsight defensive weapon training facility for 5 long intense days of training with a hand gun.

Frontsight claims to train more people in a year than all of the other training facilities in the US combined.  It is a very large facility and the average amount of attendees every day is about 300 to 500.  But the classes are broken down to no more than 40 people per range.

 The outdoor on range training is done by three instructors for forty students.  Twenty students on the firing line, with the student's training buddy standing behind them as a second coach in the 2nd wave.   So, you get to watch your buddy go through the exercises and get the advantage of their corrections when you are on the firing line.

The instructors are very skilled, and used to dealing with novices to experts.   The training outdoors is pretty fast paced, yet very controlled for safety.   They thow out a lot to learn, and yet after just two days I can already see how much more comfortable and proficient Joanne has become.

Unfortunately the indoor class room training is painfully slow and boring.  It is all I can do to keep Joanne from shooting her self from boredom....  I keep telling her this is pretty good compared to most of the stuff I had to sit through in the milityary.  Although tedious to sit through, a couple topics have changed my perspective on several things, and much more to the passive side of things, rather than aggressive.

The days are pretty long.  We get on sight aroung 7 am and start to leave around 7pm, or about a 12 hour day. 

Hand gun training is definitely not Joanne's kind of thing, not her first choice on the adventure list, and probably not on her do again list.    I realize that I am pretty lucky that she even agreed to come and be my training partner!

I wonder how long it will be before I get to pick the next vacation .... LOL!

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